Five locationsThere are five museums you can visit
- Slovenian Ironmaking Museum
- Museum Kos manor Jesenice
- Slovenian Alpine Museum
- Museum Kranjska Gora
- Museum Rateče
Rediscover rich history in our museums
Six museums with 8 permanent exhibitions and many occasional onesPermanent exhibitions
- Rise and fall of ironmakers
- Kasarna at Stara Sava
- Jože Bedič’s Geological and Paleontological Collection
- Gestapo prisons
- Climb to the mountain
- Alpine house in Kranjska Gora with a permanent exhibition on the life and work of Josip Vandot
- Exhibition on the Rateče folk costume and local ethnological heritage
Renting premises for various events

For civil weddings, personal celebrations, gala receptions, banquets, symposia, conferences
Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice offers seven halls and premises in museums and authentic ambients with exceptional urban, technical, architectural and historical significance in Jesenice, Mojstrana and Kranjska Gora.
Events and news
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
From Gornjesavski museum Jesenice we wish all our visitors and friends Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Slovenian alpine museum and Museum Kranjska Gora closed until 21th November
Slovenian Alpine Museum and Museum Kranjska Gora will be closed untill 21th November 2023. Thank you for your understanding.
6. oktober ob 10. uri: Dnevi evropske kulturne dediščine – ČEBELARSTVO: Redka in dragocena znanja, spretnosti in poklici, Kolpern
Čebelarstvo je kmetijska panoga, ki ima v slovenskem prostoru bogato tradicijo, slovenski čebelarji pa so v svetu dobro poznani in cenjeni. Že od nekdaj čebelarijo z domačo avtohtono pasmo čebele imenovano KRANJSKA SIVKA. Za gorenjske [...]
Slovenian alpine museum closed from 7th November to 15 November
The Slovenian alpine Museum will be closed from November 7, until Tuesday, November 15, 2022. From November 15, we will switch to winter opening hours, i.e. Tuesday-Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Liznjekova's homestead [...]